Peel/Seal/Bond Strength Tester

Peel Seal Bond and Adhesion Tester Digital cum Computerised Model

Laboratory Heat Sealer- (150 mm)

Laboratory Heat Sealer – (300mm)

Laboratory Heat Sealer- (500 mm)

CO-Efficient of Friction Tester - Digital

Co-Efficient of Friction Tester Digital cum Computerized Model

Dart Impact Tester

Dart Impact Tester – PRIMA SERIES

Gloss Meter – Tri-angle

Digital GSM Balance

GSM Round Cutter

Hot Tack Tester - Prima Series

Puncture Tester for Films

Scuff Resistance Tester- Model No.PSR - 292 Patent No. 336716

Scuff Resistance Tester - NXG

Scuff Resistance Tester – PRIMA SERIES

Tearing Strength Tester

Tearing Strength Tester- Model No. PTT-560 Prima

Tensile Testing Machine – Digital Model

TP110 Precision Color Matching

TP310 Precision Color Matching

TP800 Spectrophotometer
Composites Material Testing Instruments
Composites are high strength and lightweight materials that are used in many industries for various purposes. As these materials have a significant usage in some crucial fields such as aerospace, it is essential to test the quality of such materials for safety purposes. The manufacturers of composite materials need to assure the quality of their products with the use of highly precise and accurate quality testing equipments. Material testing of composites is done to enhance strength and stiffness of a material with lighter weight. These are used in some significant applications like commercial aircrafts, aerospace, etc. Hence, Testing is done to confirm design predictions. It is very important to test these materials.
Presto offers a wide range of highly accurate and precise testing machines to test composites for best quality assurance of the materials as well as the products. See above the entire range of composites testing instruments.