Secure Seal Tester NXG-Touch Screen

Vacuum Leak Tester – PRIMA SERIES

Peel/Seal/Bond Strength Tester

Peel Seal Bond and Adhesion Tester Digital cum Computerised Model

CO-Efficient of Friction Tester - Digital

Co-Efficient of Friction Tester Digital cum Computerized Model

Dart Impact Tester

Dart Impact Tester – PRIMA SERIES

Digital GSM Balance

GSM Round Cutter

Handheld Moisture Meter - PTM 2020

Hot Tack Tester - Prima Series

Humidity/Conditioning Test Chambers Deluxe Model

Hot Air Oven – Digital Model

Hot Air Oven – Touch Screen

Tearing Strength Tester

Tearing Strength Tester- Model No. PTT-560 Prima

Tensile Testing Machine Computer Based -Zeus Ultimo

Tensile Testing Machine – Digital Model
Stretch Blown
Stretch Blown Molding Industry Testing Instruments
Stretch blown molding industry is mainly involved in manufacturing of plastic products that are used in packaging and bottling industries. The quality of these products is an important factor for safety and freshness of the products packaged in them. For manufactures of stretch blown products, it is essential to ensure best quality of the products by use of best quality of testing instruments.
Presto Stantest is market’s leading company in offering a wide range of Stretch Blown Testing Instruments to test PET bottles worldwide. Our key competency lies in satisfying all of our patrons’ technical requirements. All the machines that presto offer have excellent reputations to their high technological level, reliability and simplicity. Presto delivers complete testing solutions to measure Preform design, bottle design, bottle molds, air preparation system and ready bottle conveyors. Check above the entire range of stretch blow molding machine offered by Presto.