The color is one of the most important aspects of any product or material. The color of a product depicts the quality and consistency of the ingredients used in that product. In addition to that, the colors also have a major effect on the minds of the customers. This is why most of the manufacturers have a major focus on the color quality of their product. The Color Matching Cabinet in United Arab Emirates is an effective testing instrument that is best for analyzing the color consistency of the specimen and samples. The instrument is widely used in a verity of production verticals to ensure the best color quality. The device is easy to use and is fitted with high-quality light sources that ensure close matching of colors. The instrument is also the best way to eliminate the problem of metamerism from the products. Due to metamerism, the color of the products appears different in different lights. To prevent this, the color should be matched in every light. The instrument offered by Presto helps the manufacturers in matching the color of products efficiently.
Presto’s Color Matching Cabinet for United Arab Emirates is one of the most efficient instruments for analysis of color quality of the products used in industries such as textile, automobile, food, paint and plating industries. The equipment is very simple to use and can be used for testing different sizes of the test specimen. The instrument comes with bright light sources such as D 65, InCAA, TL 84, TFL, CWF, and Ultraviolet black light that ensures uniform illumination intensity for a longer time. The light sources can be used individually as they are provided with separate switches.
The testing instrument is supplied with a user guide and a conformance certificate to the user.