The color of a product has a great influence on the quality of the product. The manufacturers understand that in order to give their product the best quality, they must ensure that the color of their products is consistent and is of the best quality. The color quality of the products not only affects the appearance but also indicates the competence of the ingredients used in the product. That is why the manufacturers used the best ways to ensure that the color consistency of their product is of best level. The Color Matching Cabinet in Saudi Arabia is an extensively used testing instrument that is used for matching the color of the products with high precision. The device is used for prevention of Metamerism which is a phenomenon which causes the different appearance of goods and colors when they are subjected to different lighting conditions. The instrument is easy to operate and is designed to provide accurate testing results.
Presto is a world renowned manufacturer and supplier of Color Matching Cabinet for Saudi Arabia, which is used for testing and matching the color quality of products and materials in different industries such as paint, automobiles, food and textile industries. There are different light sources fitted in the machine that are D 65, InCAA, TL 84, TFL, CWF, Ultraviolet black light. These light sources are best for replicating the actual lighting conditions faced by different products hence the instrument is best for matching the colors of the test specimen. The light sources are also provided with individual switches that help in the individual use of the lights.
The equipment is supplied with a user instruction manual for easy understanding of the operating procedure.