Conical Mandrel Bending Manufacturer - Mumbai, Chennai, Banglore, Kolkata, India

Conical Mandrel Bending

Conical Mandrel Bending

Conical Mandrel Bending
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MODEL:- PCBM - 080

The conical mandrel bending tester is widely used to examine the properties of a coating. It examines the resistance to cracking or detachment from its substrate along with the product elongation during the test. Conical Mandrel is a method to determine the flexibility and sticking properties of more

Testing systems installed in 79% of Fortune 500 companies

Features of Conical Mandrel Bending

  • Easy to operate.
  • A useful instrument for paint & plating industries.
  • Designed and manufactured as per ASTM D2794 – 93(2010), ASTM D5420 and D5628, D4226-11
  • Easy installation.
  • Low maintenance.
  • Table top instrument.

Technical specifications

  • Sample  Thickness: 2mm
  • Diameter of Conical Rod: 3.2mm – 38.1 mm
  • Length of Conical Rod: 8 Inch
  • Body: Mild Steel Chrome Plated
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Conical Mandrel Bending
5 out of 5

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MODEL:- PCBM - 080

The conical mandrel bending tester is widely used to examine the properties of a coating. It examines the resistance to cracking or detachment from its substrate along with the product elongation during the test. Conical Mandrel is a method to determine the flexibility and sticking properties of coatings when the test specimen or material subject to bending stresses.

Presto’s Conical Mandrel Bending Test instrument is a laboratory apparatus widely used to bend coated panels over a cone shaped mandrel to judge the elasticity or resistance of a coated paint or finish to cracking; detachment or elongation from as per ISO 6860 and ASTM D522 standards. The conical shape of the testing instrument allows the deformation of the panel and examination of the elasticity range of a coating.

The test procedure is commenced by bending the test specimen around a conically shaped metal bar. The laboratory equipment is used mainly for coated and painted panels.

Conical Mandrel is widely recommended to test the resistance of paint, varnish, coating to evaluate crack resistance or detachment from a metal panel. The apparatus consists of a steel mandrel of a specific length and tapering of a specific diameter. The machine is equipped with a graduated scale right on the clamping bar that depicts the mandrel diameter at which failure has occurred.

Hence, the percentage of elongation is calculated by adding the measurement of mandrel diameter to the thickness of the panel used. Conical mandrel helps to detect the common failures of coating that show flaking and cracking after bending.

The Conical Mandrel Bending Tester is a compact, robust instrument made of enameled steel which is suitable for table-top use. The conical mandrel and the pivoted pressure roller running parallel to the surface of the cone are made of stainless steel. The clamping device is equipped with a cam lever which ensures a rapid and uncomplicated change of specimens. The mandrel bending test is a commonly used testing method for assessing the flexibility and the adhesion properties of coatings when these are subjected to bending stresses.

Testing systems installed in 79% of Fortune 500 companies

Features of Conical Mandrel Bending

  • Easy to operate.
  • A useful instrument for paint & plating industries.
  • Designed and manufactured as per ASTM D2794 – 93(2010), ASTM D5420 and D5628, D4226-11
  • Easy installation.
  • Low maintenance.
  • Table top instrument.

Technical specifications

  • Sample  Thickness: 2mm
  • Diameter of Conical Rod: 3.2mm – 38.1 mm
  • Length of Conical Rod: 8 Inch
  • Body: Mild Steel Chrome Plated

How It Works?

View this video to learn how this Conical Mandrel Bending works?