Color Matching Cabinet in Bangladesh

Color Matching Cabinet in Bangladesh
4 out of 5

The color of any product is a major indicator of its quality as well its looks. The colors of a product give information about the type and quality of ingredients used in the product. The manufacturers need to understand the fact that for best quality of products, they need to incorporate the best color quality in their products. One of the major problems with colors is metamerism. Due to metamerism, the colors of a product tend to appear different under different lighting conditions. The solution to this problem is that the colors of the products must be matched by different light sources to ensure they appear the same. The Color Matching Cabinet in Bangladesh is the best testing instrument that can be used for elimination of metamerism from the products by matching them under different lights that are installed on the instrument. The simple operation of the machine makes it very easy to perform the matching procedure for fast and close matching.

Presto’s Color Matching Cabinet for Bangladesh is one of the best testing instruments that is used in a variety of industries such as automobiles, textiles, food industries, paint and coating industries for the purpose of quality testing of the colors. The instrument is equipped with five different light sources that are used for creating the actual lighting conditions to which the product is subjected. The light sources include D 65, InCAA, TL 84, TFL, CWF, and Ultraviolet black light. In addition to that, the instrument is also compiled with individual switches for every light source for separate operation.

MODEL:Spectrum II - (USA)
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Product Description

The color of any product is a major indicator of its quality as well its looks. The colors of a product give information about the type and quality of ingredients used in the product. The manufacturers need to understand the fact that for best quality of products, they need to incorporate the best color quality in their products. One of the major problems with colors is metamerism. Due to metamerism, the colors of a product tend to appear different under different lighting conditions. The solution to this problem is that the colors of the products must be matched by different light sources to ensure they appear the same. The Color Matching Cabinet in Bangladesh is the best testing instrument that can be used for elimination of metamerism from the products by matching them under different lights that are installed on the instrument. The simple operation of the machine makes it very easy to perform the matching procedure for fast and close matching.

Presto’s Color Matching Cabinet for Bangladesh is one of the best testing instruments that is used in a variety of industries such as automobiles, textiles, food industries, paint and coating industries for the purpose of quality testing of the colors. The instrument is equipped with five different light sources that are used for creating the actual lighting conditions to which the product is subjected. The light sources include D 65, InCAA, TL 84, TFL, CWF, and Ultraviolet black light. In addition to that, the instrument is also compiled with individual switches for every light source for separate operation.

  • The light sources that are used in the instrument are efficient and bright enough to provide the best level of illumination for a longer time.
  • The device is designed to deliver best color matching in a faster way.
  • The material used for fabrication of the device is of the best quality and is ideal to protect the instrument from corrosion.
  • The light sources are connected with electronic choke which enables instant illumination of the instrument.
  • An easy and simple working procedure is offered by the appliance.
  • The operation of the light sources is done with individual switches that help the user in using the light sources alone or in combination with other light sources.
  • The instrument so best for testing different sizes of test specimen due to the design of the instrument.
  • It is appropriate for both production as well as laboratory testing procedures.